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Stay Strong Stu 7's - 15th June

Stay Strong Stu 7's - 15th June

Magnus Leask7 Jun - 20:24
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All aboard the Novos train as the boys jump on the 0957 to Corbridge for Tynedale's 7's event. Officially, our last event of the season.

A rare weekend off tomorrow before we train on Thursday ahead of our last 7's event - Stay Strong Stu 7's at Tynedale. It has been a great 7's season of new tournaments, some wins and a lot of learning. It all culminates in our final event as The Undateables go in the elite competition whilst The Unloveables will head to their last social engagement.

We expect some movement between the two squads at training but the sides have been drafted before being finalised this week. After hearing that we can have 15 in a squad (crazy) we are looking for 2-3 players to come along.

The Undateables : Darren Kelly, Charlie Smith, Rob Baldwin (guest) Rhys Merlane, Lewis Chater, Ben Jubb (Captain) Max Cook, Alex Watson, Sion Gittins, Harry Tankard, Finn Ruddock, Adam Lambert, Sam Busby

The Unloveables : Tom Taylor, Alex Cokeley, Jeremy Hunt (Captain) Luke Masters, Sam Bird, Cam Harvey, Sam Cleife, David Medjigbodo-Lawson, Tom Pratt, Ben Wilkinson, Matthew Robertson, Duncan Knox, Ryan Gibson

It will be great to once again attend the Stay Strong Stu 7's after missing out last season. We have taken two teams to this event several times - the only club other than the host side to do this. Shows how much the boys love some 7's action after a long but successful 7's season.

Despite having a few of our better 7s lads unavailable in Dylan Gittins, Louis Matthews, Freddie Nickalls and Brandon Gilbert we have still been able to get a great side together for the elite competition

Amazing to have ex Novos player Charlie Smith back for the tournament. Charlie has been starring for DMP this season and it will be amazing to see him pack down alongside his former teacher in Darren Kelly.

Another guest Rob Baldwin has been tearing it up for us in a 7's shirt. The rangey back rower has been making line breaks and showing some incredible off loading skill. The South Shields & Westoe player recently won their player of the year award but has loved his time with this group.

Loads of regular first teamers in The Undateables but it will be great to have Sion Gittins return to the squad after missing recent events due to work and studies. In addition, we are delighted to announce the late inclusion of Sam Busby after his work rota has been altered.

Very excited to see Adam Lambert have his first sevens run out. He has been electric for the 2/3's this season and will thrive in space. In theory this will be his first run out with the first team lads - enjoy it mate.

The Unloveables will have some noticeable returnees as well with regular first teamers Tom Taylor, Jeremy Hunt, Luke Masters and Sam Bird in the squad.

Awesome to see some lads added late in the form of uni students Duncan Knox and Matthew Roberston who both looked great. at training on Thursday. In addition, Cam Harvery comes into the group - also outstanding at training. Finally, our last reunion is in the form of Ryan Gibson. Gibbo is also at DMP - despite his years he is a seasoned vet on the social 7's scene.

Excited to see what the boys can do - 0957 train lads but for those wanting to come along and support the boys get to Tynedale for 1130 onwards.

Up the Vos !

Further reading